Services during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
A number of organisations are modifying the ways that they work to support the community in this unprecedented time.
Support for Islington Residents
Islington helpline
This has now been set up for resident’s who may be struggling to cope at the moment, or concerned about someone they know.
Number: 020 7527 8222
Minicom 0207 527 1900
Lines are open every day from 9am – 5pm
Service Directory
The Council Directory has now been updated to show what services and support are available during this time, including food distribution and telephone support.
You can filter this down by postcode to see what’s available near you. This can be found here.
Resident Support Scheme – Updated Crisis Provision
The Resident Support Scheme (RSS) is offering temporary financial support to residents facing severe difficulties caused by the Coronavirus (CV) crisis, including vouchers towards groceries/fuel costs.
Support for Camden Residents
For comprehensive up to date information about Camden’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, look at their website:
Support for Hackney Residents
How to ask for help: Use this form to tell the London Borough of Hackney that you or someone you know needs help. Ask for help
Ring their helpline: You can also call their coronavirus helpline: 020 8356 3111 (8am-5pm Monday-Friday).
Support for Waltham Forest Residents
Community Help Network: If you do not have access to community support and are either in the over 70s age group, or have been advised by the NHS to self-isolate for 12 weeks, you can request help here.
Welfare Assistane: The Council offers a range of help for residents having problems paying their rent or Council Tax during the current emergency. One simple form on the website is all you need to complete to apply for help. Decisions are being taken within three days and we are now working weekends, where possible, to make sure a fast decision is reached.
Looking after your mental health when trying to access support
It can be stressful trying to access practical support so its important to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Click through to find out support:
- The Mental Health Foundation has put together a guide to finance, housing and unemployment worries during the Coronavirus outbreak
- The Stuart Low Trust has put together information about how to maintain your mental health
Help inform the support we provide
Please help us to deliver the best support possible during this time, by taking this short survey: