The Stuart Low Trust – Complaints Procedure.
The Stuart Low Trust continually strives to provide enjoyable and enriching events and activities. We hope you will be pleased with what we provide. We are always interested to hear your views and comments as we believe this helps to improve the good health of the Stuart Low Trust. We record every comment, compliment or complaint we receive.
It is always reassuring and motivating for us all at The Stuart Low Trust to know that we are meeting the high standards of service we set for ourselves. If you are particularly pleased, we would be delighted to receive your comments.
In order to ensure that our services remain at a high and improving standard, we have a formal procedure through which you can communicate any concerns. We are only human and sometimes we may not get it right, so we appreciate your letting us know.
If you have a concern about The Stuart Lo w Trust please tell us:
- If you have a concern about a Stuart Low Trust service, please speak to or contact (by telephone, email or in writing) the relevant staff member, SLT’s Chief Executive or another representative of SLT. You may also note any concerns on the SLT evaluation form at our Friday Evening Events and some of SLT’s other activities.
- If you have any concerns about an individual participant at an SLT event, sometimes it may be best to try to speak with them directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate then speak to the host or activity leader, relevant staff member, SLT’s Chief Executive or another SLT representative with whom you feel comfortable.
Please note we cannot deal with situations or disputes arising outside of SLT events.
When you contact SLT with a concern, we may be able to give you a response straight away, but sometimes we will need to take some time. We will inform you as to how long this may be. If the matter is more complicated we will aim to give you at least an initial response within five working days.
Making a formal complaint:
We do take your concerns very seriously. If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to SLT’s Chief Executive. (If your complaint is about the Chief Executive, please write to the Chair. If your complaint is about the Chair, please write to the board of Trustees).
All formal complaints will be logged. We will send a written acknowledgement as soon as possible.
We may need to ask you some more questions about your complaint, so that we can obtain the full picture and are more equipped to deal with it. We will keep you updated at regular intervals throughout the process.
We will strive to investigate your complaint fully and respond within ten working days, setting out how the problem will be dealt with. If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date and what is still to be considered.
If, after we have responded you are not satisfied, please write to the Trustees who will report the matter to the next Trustees meeting, which will decide any further steps to resolve the situation.
Thank you for helping us to constantly improve our services.
Mark Gillham, Chief Executive