Delivering Diffferently: Progress over the last year (April 2020 – March 2021)
This report summarises our reflections on the last year and celebrates what we have achieved at SLT during this time.
Between April 2020 and March 2021, over 7723 people engaged with SLT with our services, of which over 3500 engaged by either attending Zoom sessions or utilising SLT’s increased outreach programme including blogs, e-newletters and postal flyers. This engagement is considerably higher than previous years, highlighting the need for extra mental health support and interaction due to the pandemic. A further 1150 participants received extended telephone support which had a huge amount of positive feedback.
Over this period, SLT has delivered nearly 200 Arts, Nature and Wellbeing Zoom activity sessions, some of which have been as exciting new partnerships. These included Philosophy, Art, Music Appreciation, Choir, Gentle exercise, Virtual visits, Culture evenings and Wellbeing workshops (from Let’s Sing, Dance and Mindful movement, to Chi Kung, Sitting Yoga and Meditation).
A series of Mindfulness/Mindfulness in Nature videos were made so participants could have something to support them, day or night. These were then produced as 3 DVDs for those who do not have access to technology, the first posted as a Christmas gift, the third adapted for the hard of hearing with subtitles and signing. The aim is to attract people with deafness to attend SLT sessions, increasing accessibility. Additionally, we know nature benefits mental health so SLT has partnered London Wildlife Trust and Mildmay Community Centre, enabling us to extend our Nature Programme.
We plan to continue including online activities as we prepare for face-to-face delivery, so allowing all participants a more flexible approach whilst retaining a sense of community.
We are extremely proud of what we have been able to accomplish since April 2020, but we would not have been able to do it with your support. Thank you.
Please continue supporting SLT so we can keep providing our services to all those who need it, by making a donation. Please visit: Thank you.