Gentle Exercise
In 2020, Stuart Low Trust started a wonderful new partnership with Healthy Generations. Every Tuesday, Healthy Generations run an online Gentle Exercise: Building Energy through Movement class for Stuart Low participants. The sessions comprise Chinese movement: Tai Chi, Chi Kung and a little Yoga all designed to exercise and strengthen muscles, joints and bones in the body, increasing energy and resilience. Suitable for beginners, and all ages.
Class details:
Every Tuesday at 12 noon, delivered on Zoom.
Booking required.
For more information or to book, please email or call 020 7713 9304.
Healthy Generations have put together a short exercise routine that you can do in five or six minutes. Three of the movements are to aid flexibility and large joint mobility. The last four are as a group known as the Nitric Oxide Dump.
The Nitric Oxide Dump is a fast way to increase the amount of nitric oxide in our bodies. The endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels uses nitric oxide to tell the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, resulting in vasodilation, increasing blood flow, and lowering blood pressure. Nasal breathing produces nitric oxide within the body, while mouth breathing does not.
Why not give it go by clicking the video below and following along with the routine.
Healthy Generations
Healthy Generations began in the mental health sector in 2006 and used to be called Music for People. They took mental health user musicians into elderly people’s day centres and care homes. Over the years they have become more older people oriented but still work with some of the same musicians they began with all those years ago and still involved in the mental health sector.
They are also about to start a Support and Participate programme for younger people; the first class will be post pregnancy pilates.
Healthy Generations used to be half music, half exercise. But since lockdown the music took a big hit and is down to two or three Zoom sessions a week. The exercise side has really taken off and they now do the same number of sessions they did before lockdown except nearly all are online exercise. Find our what classes are available on their website here.
One of their users, Laura said, “Healthy Generations offers a wide variety of exercise classes. I have been participating in several each week. All the facilitators are great and I really look forward to my weekly sessions.”
All the classes are free with an optional £3 donation.
As we all are, they are really looking forward to getting back to live sessions and are carefully maintaining their friendship with all the organisations where they used to provide music services.
Peter Crockett, their Coordinator, said, “We are delighted to be working again with SLT, one of our main aims is to help supply classes for partner organisations aimed specifically for their members.”
If you’d like to sign up to receive their information send an email to Sam on